Proposal: More jobs![trivial]
Create the following new advanced jobs:
There weren't any deckhand/priest priest/warrior hybrid. While it's only a small thing, I thought it should be included.
Failed by Keitalia @ 21:40 GMT, 3.28.2004. -3 to Dunam, +1 Keitalia.
Templar. A templar has speed equal to (morale/200) rounded down. A templar also counts as a priest. This is an advanced job for Priests and Deckhands.
Monk.Once per lacuna, the monk may make a GNDT comment "Aid: DICE". That roll is known as the Aid roll. On an aid roll of 1, 2 or 3 nothing happens. On a roll of 4, 5 or 6 the monk may remove one ailment of a mariner on the same ship. A monk also counts as a warrior. This is an advanced job for Priests and Warriors.
There weren't any deckhand/priest priest/warrior hybrid. While it's only a small thing, I thought it should be included.

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