Proposal : Removing the Hoops [Trivial]
[ Eh, I'm still a bit surprised that the Admin Job Requirement thing passed. The final three requirements are all quite easy for an unsuitable Admin to crash through, and the demand that Admin must have "participated in 1 Dynasty without becoming idle" seems heavily restrictive - if you joined just after the start of a two-month dynasty and we're now two months into the following Dynasty (or if you took a few days holiday at some point), then sorry, you can't help Administrate the game yet. Similarly, if a wise and trusted Nomic veteran joins us from elsewhere and wants to help us out, they have to wait for two Dynasties.
I think we can live without strict regulations, and rely on casual human vetting. In a year of BlogNomic, I don't remember us having any particular trouble with that. ]
Repeal Rule 3, and renumber the ruleset to cover the gap.
Replace "excluding Rules 1-11" with "excluding Rules 1-10", in the new Rule 10.
To the end of the "Some Mariners are Admin Staff" paragraph in Rule 2 (Mariners), add:-
Failed Selfkill by Dunam at 22:43:40 GMT, 3.25.2004. -3 to Kevan, +1 to Dunam
I think we can live without strict regulations, and rely on casual human vetting. In a year of BlogNomic, I don't remember us having any particular trouble with that. ]
Repeal Rule 3, and renumber the ruleset to cover the gap.
Replace "excluding Rules 1-11" with "excluding Rules 1-10", in the new Rule 10.
To the end of the "Some Mariners are Admin Staff" paragraph in Rule 2 (Mariners), add:-
... and Admin Staff may resign their post, at any time. If a Mariner feels than an Admin is being consistently incompetent, they may issue a CfJ to remove them from their post, optionally fining them for any undeserved Morale gains.

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