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Monday, March 22, 2004

CFJ : Numeric Reorganisation

Well yeah someone had to do it. All 3 of the changes to the numbered ruleset by Habeas Corpus were illegal. Since none of them were made as allowed for by a proposal.

Way forward. Undo all 3 changes. However as part of this CFJ Id also like to resolve another issue. Because of the renumbering of the ruleset, some proposals (most noticably the one mentioned earlier) will not achieve their desired effect. therefore id like to suggest that we allow the admins to make appropriate changes as if the ruleset had not been renumbered for any proposal that did not take this in to account.

Net effect - no change. So why am I proposing this CFJ you might ask. Because I feel we need a CFJ to allow keitalia to do what she did. Without it its illegal.

So in summary, this CFJ simply validats keitalia's illegal admining actions as legal.