Proposal : Oar's well that ends REALLY badley.
Create a new Ship Order "Out Sweeps"
And a new upgrade "Sweeps"
Someone implied that trippled was too much (I think) I just want to point out that from here on, they decrease, not increase, so near the end this would be downright cheap.
Failed by Dunam on 04.23.04 at 15:02 GMT; -3 to ChinDoGu, +1 to Dunam
A ship may only take this action if it has purchased the upgrade "Sweeps" A ship taking this action Sails twice as far as it would due to a normal Sail order, and is subject to all other effects of a normal sail order. Homesickness penalties are Trippled for that ship for that Lacuna. If the application of these increased homesickness penalties will result in any mariner on the ship being reduced to 0 or less moral, the ship moves only its normal speed instead. The increased penalties are still applied.
And a new upgrade "Sweeps"
45 Supplies. A ship which has purchased Sweeps may perform the "Out Sweeps" Ship Order
Someone implied that trippled was too much (I think) I just want to point out that from here on, they decrease, not increase, so near the end this would be downright cheap.

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