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Saturday, April 17, 2004

Proposal: The Deck of Many Rats [Trivial]

Create new upgrade in rule 15:

Eye of Atlantis 20 Supplies: Once per lacuna, a Mariner may sacrifice 5 supplies on the behalf of their Ship. Mariners may not sacrifice supplies if their ship’s total supplies are less than 4. This is done by making the comment of ‘Sacrifice: DICE’ in the GNDT. The results of the roll are as follows: 1) 10 Supplies are devoured by rats; 2) Rats eat through the ropes leaving the ship with 2 less speed; 3) Nothing Happens; 4) Add 5 supplies to the ship’s hold; 5) Mariners aboard the ship gain 3 morale each; 6) The ship gains 5 speed. These effects last until the end of the lacuna.

Failed by Cayvie, 21st April. -3 to Keitalia, +1 to Cayvie.