Proposal: Brains
Add the following rule, Zombies:
Delete "Dead Crew Members may not gain Health." from Rule 13.
Self-killed; failed by Brendan at 3:28 pm GMT on 6.17.2004. -3 to Josh, +1 to Brendan.
If a Dead Crew Member gains life, effectively raising their Health above zero, they are considered to be zombies, reanimated by the spores in the air. They retain the RIP tag in the sidebar, and are still considered dead for the purposes of Rule 13.
Zombies may cannibalise other Crew Members in the same location at any time. However, they are extremely slow. Once they have moved into a location, they may not move again or cannibalise any of its residents for 24 hours. They can also be fought off quite easily, although they are very powerful; a zombie cannibalisation does not kill its target, the victim simply looses health equal to the health of the zombie who is cannibalising him, and 1 food.
A Zombie may gain 5 health after every successful cannibalisation. If a zombie cannibalises the last Crew Member, they may declare victory.
Delete "Dead Crew Members may not gain Health." from Rule 13.

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