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Monday, June 07, 2004

Proposal: First aid!

From rule 15-Aliens remove the sentence:

If that Location is the same Location where the aliens are currently attacking, the resolving Crew Member must continue posting "Med-Kits: DICE" until the resulting number does not match the Location of the current alien attack.

If every location has medkits, it seems realistic that after the attack survivors could use them!

For the sake of background:

During an alien attack, crew members at one random location can hear the carnage and in fear open up the med-kits.

Immediately after the alien attack, crew members at one random location manage to find some med-kits and open them

FOR Passed 8 to 0 by Brendan at 4:28 pm GMT on 6.8.2004. +2 to Worthstream, +1 to Brendan.