Proposal: Meet your targets
Add to the glossary:
Add a new rule, Salaries:
Add a new rule, Targets:
Failed 2 to 8 by Brendan at 6:53 pm GMT on 6.20.2004. -3 to Josh, +1 to Brendan.
The official symbol of currency in BlogNomic is '~'.
Add a new rule, Salaries:
Every Teamsperson has a salary, which is changed by weekly review. It is tracked in the GNDT under 'Salary'. Each Teamsperson's salary may only be changed once per week.
When it reaches various points, a Teamsperson's salary will give certain bonuses and a new rank, which is also tracked in the GNDT. Each bonus may only be applied once per player and are not reversed when the salary criteria is no longer true. Ranks, however, continue to conform to the value of the Teamsperson's salary.
"Tea boy" - ~7k - Dignity -40% (rounded down)
"Desk Clerk" - ~10k - Dignity -20% (rounded down)
"Salesperson" - ~15k - Dignity +25 points
"Office Mascot" - ~25k - Dignity +20%
"Team Leader" - ~30k - Dignity set to 120
Whenever a Teamsperson moves up a rank, all other Teamspersons who were on the same rank as them loose 5 Dignity.
Add a new rule, Targets:
Each week, the District Manager may set a sales target for the team by changing their own 'Sales' field in the GNDT. The number of sales made by each Teamsperson is tracked in their own 'Sales' field, and is reset each week when the new targets come out. Salary increases and decreases may result from poor sales performance.
The District Manager cannot edit their own 'Sales' field in the GNDT. As soon as a rule has been made that allows for players to make sales, this paragraph repeals itself.

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