Proposal : It's Rough Down There
Change the first two sentences of Rule 11 - Efficiency to read
Create a new GNDT column, Rage.
Add to Rule 19 - Departments' Special:
Failed 4 to 3 by Brendan at 7:34 pm GMT on 7.8.2004. -2 to Brendan.
Each Teamsperson may belong to a single Department - Sales, Marketing, Research, Accounts, Mailroom, or Management. Each Department except Mailroom has a Department Head, who tracks that Department's Efficiency as a GNDT variable next to their own name.Add Mailroom to the list of Departments in the GNDT.
Create a new GNDT column, Rage.
Add to Rule 19 - Departments' Special:
If the Mailroom votes against a Project, the Teamsperson who casts the Mailroom's vote may, in the same comment as his or her vote, include the text "Spite: X", where X is an integer greater than 0, called the Spite Toll. If the TOS created by that Project is Approved, when the TOS is added to the Ruleset, it shall have its Cost increased by the Spite Toll.Add a new rule, Mailroom:
To declare a Spite Toll, a Mailroom Teamsperson must pay (5 times the Spite Toll) in Rage. If this would reduce that Teamsperson's Rage below 0, that Teamsperson may not declare that Spite Toll. A single Mailroom Teamsperson may only declare one Spite Toll on any given project. If multiple Mailroom Teamspersons vote against a Project, and if the most recent Mailroom vote cast was AGAINST the Project, and if that Project is Failed, the final Spite Toll is equal to all legal Spite Tolls declared in all Mailroom votes on that Project.
If this Rule and another NCR are in conflict, this Rule is considered to have precedence.
If at any time a Teamsperson's Dignity drops below 50, he or she immediately loses his or her Department (and any non-Personal TOSs), then becomes part of the Mailroom Department. The Mailroom has no Efficiency, Budget, or Department Head, and no Teamsperson belonging to Mailroom may take any actions normally reserved for Department Heads. No member of the Mailroom may create a Project.
Only Teamspersons in the Mailroom have Rage; when a Teamsperson becomes part of the Mailroom, his or her Rage is set to 0, and if he or she ever leaves the Mailroom, his or her Rage is set to "-". All Teamspersons who are not in the Mailroom have a Rage of "-".
If a Proposal posted by a Teamsperson in the Mailroom fails, that Teamsperson may add 3 to his or her Rage. Once a Teamsperson has gained Rage in this way, he or she may not gain Rage from failed Proposals for 24 hours. A Teamsperson's Rage may never fall below 0 or rise above (200 - that Teamsperson's Dignity). If any effect causes a Teamsperson's Rage to be greater than (200 - his or her Dignity), any Teamsperson may lower that Teamsperson's Rage to the highest legal level.
No Mailroom Teamsperson may voluntarily change his or her Department, or leave the Mailroom. If a Mailroom Teamsperson's Dignity ever reaches 100, that Teamsperson may leave the Mailroom and subsequently apply to other Departments as normal.

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