Paraphrasing a clever poster:
"If You're A Part Of The Solution, There's No Good Money To Be Made In Prolonging The Problem."
Do we all agree that work in our glorious corporation is getting a little slow?
It's time to discover, point out and eradicate the problem!
Basically, it gives us a lot of power by creating a one-shoot half-quorum proposal, and encourages posting with a double dignity reward.
Passed 7 to 0 by Brendan at 3:31 pm GMT on 7.13.2004. +10 to Worthstream, +2 to Brendan.
"If You're A Part Of The Solution, There's No Good Money To Be Made In Prolonging The Problem."
Do we all agree that work in our glorious corporation is getting a little slow?
It's time to discover, point out and eradicate the problem!
In the 48 hours following the enactment of this proposal the District Manager shall make a post with the word "Meeting" in bold in its title.
Every Teamspersons, excluding the District Manager, can post their opinion on how to speed-up work (ie: make this dynasty more interesting, set-up a winning condition, repeal dense or boring rule/s, etc)in comments to that memo.
After 72 hours of brainstorming (read: after 72 hours have passed from the posting of the "meeting" memo), the District Manager shall choose what he deems as the best solution and cut&paste it as a new memo.
If more that 4 people agree with the chosen solution, indicating so by replying with comment that includes the vote FOR within 48 hours from posting, that solution can by enacted by an admin.
The enacting admin may claim 3 dignity, and its original proposer may claim 20 dignity
Basically, it gives us a lot of power by creating a one-shoot half-quorum proposal, and encourages posting with a double dignity reward.

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