Proposal: Ability Genes
Create a rule named Ability Genes:
In the Enome rule, change
Ubber-Endowments... I'll come with some example abilities soon.
6-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Orson
Abilities are traits indicating Actions a Strain may take, Actions it is immune to or modifications it can enforce upon Actions taken by other Strains.
Removing an Ability from a Strain reverts to innocuous the Enome Base tracking that Ability. Giving an Ability to a Strain overwrites any Ability that Strain has and is tracked by the same Enome Base. The current list of Abilities shall be found in this rule at all times.
Abilities are categorized into Groups. Each Group is tracked in the Enome by a different Base. The description of an Ability must specify to which Group that Ability belongs. The current list of Ability Groups shall be found in this rule at all times.
Currently, the Ability Groups are:
* Growth: Abilities in this group must specify ways for the Acting Strain growing up its Size. These Actions cannot affect any other Strain other than the acting one.
* Offensive: Abilities in this group must specify ways for the Acting Strain provoking damage to one or more other Strains. Those Actions must have a non-zero cost, either in Size or Population loss, specified in their definitions, and must not affect the Acting Strain other than to pay that cost.
* Defensive: Abilities in this group must specify ways for the Defending Strain preventing, raising the cost or retaliating Actions or damage done to it by other Strains. Retaliating Actions must have a non-zero cost, either in Size or Population loss, specified in their definitions, and must not affect the Acting Strain other than to pay that cost.
Currently, the Abilities are:
(This paragraph shall be replaced by the first Ability created)
In the Enome rule, change
(This paragraph shall be replaced by the first Enome tracked information)
Enome[1] tracks a Strain’s Growth Abilities. There are no possible values, currently.
Enome[2] tracks a Strain’s Offensive Abilities. There are no possible values, currently.
Enome[3] tracks a Strain’s Defensive Abilities. There are no possible values, currently.
Ubber-Endowments... I'll come with some example abilities soon.

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