Proposal: Re-enact Population Mechanics [Trivial]
Add to the Ruleset:
If this Proposal passes, give all existing Strains enough population to bring their Biomass as near as possible to 10,000, without going over 10,000.
This re-enacts the Population mechanics, while keeps all the checks and balances we had already introduced (and which, given time, would have brought the big strains's Population to more logical values). The new values of starting Population, Classification, splitting limits, Free Space and Overcrowding effects are intended to keep Population low, making competition fierce.
5-3 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos
11 - Population
Each Strain has a Population, tracked in the GNDT, being the number of individual Specimens of that Strain - all Strains begin a Population of 100.
Any Strain with a Size greater than 5 and which Population is Thriving or lesser may, at any time, Split. When Splitting, a Strain reduces its Size by 5 and halve its remaining Size (rounding down) to double its Population.
A Strain's Biomass is calculated by multiplying its Size by its Population.
If a Strain's Size is reduced to zero, its Population is also reduced to zero; if its Population is reduced to zero then its Size is reduced to zero. If a Strain has been with zero Biomass for at least 72 hours, its Size, Population and Enome values may be set by any Strain to the same value assigned to new Strains.
If at any time a fractional value would occur for Population that value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
12 - Classifications
Strains are classified by their size:
* 0- 25 - Critical
* 26- 50 - Declining
* 51- 75 - Stable
* 76-125 - Healthy
* 126-150 - Growing
* 151-175 - Flourishing
* 176-200 - Rampant
Strains are classified by their Population:
* 0 - Dead
* 1- 100 - Under-Populous
* 101- 1,000 - Thriving
* Over 1,000 - Over-Populous
13 - Overcrowding
The Free Space in the Petri dish is equivalent to 120,000 Biomass.
If the sum total of all Strains Biomass exceeds Free Space, then the Petri dish is Overcrowded and any Strain may administer Overcrowding, if it has not yet been done in the last 24 hours. The Strain administering Overcrowding may claim 1 Size after applying all its effects to the GNDT.
When Overcrowding occurs, reduces every Over-Populous Strain's Population by 30%, and every Thriving Strain’s Population by 15%. An Under-Populous Strain’s Population is not affected by Overcrowding.
If this Proposal passes, give all existing Strains enough population to bring their Biomass as near as possible to 10,000, without going over 10,000.
This re-enacts the Population mechanics, while keeps all the checks and balances we had already introduced (and which, given time, would have brought the big strains's Population to more logical values). The new values of starting Population, Classification, splitting limits, Free Space and Overcrowding effects are intended to keep Population low, making competition fierce.

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