Proposal: Experiment Completion
[this is my attempt at a Victory condition.]
Add to the end of the Enome rule:
Add to the drafting guidelines of Scheduled Experiments:
And replace the last paragraph with:
[The Enigma Gene allows Strains to signal that they are ready for the end-game. The requirement for Biomass>0 means stubborn Strains can be over-ruled by force. Non-editable Experiment results prevents the majority from quashing a winning Strain.]
No votes for or against - Timed-out - Failed by Chronos
Correction: 1 Vote for, none against - Timed-out - Enacted by Orson, 7th October
Add to the end of the Enome rule:
Enome[6] tracks a Strain’s Enigma Gene. A Strain may change its Enigma Gene Base at any time, but once an Enigma Gene is no longer innocuous, it cannot be altered.
Add to the drafting guidelines of Scheduled Experiments:
It must specify a Base which hasn't been specified by any other Scheduled Experiment, and it must specify a target value for that Base.
And replace the last paragraph with:
After an Admin has made the changes called for by a Scheduled Experiment they annotate it with the date and time completed as well as the Names in the Ancestry of the Strains which have Biomass>0 and whose Base value matches the one specified in the Experiment. The Strains named are called the Candidate Strains of that Experiment. If all Candidate Strains for that Experiment have a non-innocuous Enigma Gene, and a Strain is named as a Candidate Strain in more Scheduled Experiments than any other Strain, that Strain may claim Victory.
After completion and annotation, a Scheduled Experiment cannot be removed or edited until a player has declared Victory.
[The Enigma Gene allows Strains to signal that they are ready for the end-game. The requirement for Biomass>0 means stubborn Strains can be over-ruled by force. Non-editable Experiment results prevents the majority from quashing a winning Strain.]

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