Proposal: Committees
Add a rule Committees:
19-0. Reached Quorum (7). Enacted by Chronos
Each Lord may be a member of a Committee with special legislative oversight. Committee positions are tracked in the GNDT as a list of numbers corresponding to rules in the ruleset. The core ruleset is constitutionally protected; rules 1-10 or 99 may not be chosen for Committees.We can come up with real committee appointment rules later.
Committee positions can only be changed when allowed by the ruleset. Whenever an Admin reorders the ruleset, they must update the corresponding Committee values of affected Lords. Whenever an Admin removes a rule, they must remove the corresponding Committee values of affected Lords. The Prime Minister's duties preclude committee participation; if a Lord is Prime Minister their Committee values are cleared.
When tallying Votes on a Proposal, if a Lord has a Committee position which corresponds to a rule amended or repealed by that Proposal, then the Electoral Votes cast by that Lord are doubled for the purposes of Failing or Enacting that Proposal only.
Lords may enter a single rule in their Committee GNDT entry if they do not already have one. This paragraph shall be deleted once all Lords have a Committee position, or 24 hours have passed since the creation of this rule, whichever comes first.

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