Proposal: Everybody Loves the Mavericks [Trivial]
Orson gains one Electoral Vote on passage of this proposal. He just lost one as a result of the parts of the rule that this will repeal not being in the rule wiki when he grabbed the EV, due to a minor admin error.
Change Rule 19 -- Electoral Votes so that it reads
parties are good. Failed by Chronos
Change Rule 19 -- Electoral Votes so that it reads
Each Lord holds a number of Electoral Votes, reflecting how much power that Lord wields in the name of his people. This is tracked by the GNDT. When a Lord votes on a Proposal, they may cast any number of their Electoral Votes, with a minimum of one - this is signified by including the relevant number of vote icons in a single comment. (If a later comment from the same Lord uses a different number of icons, that takes precedence.) All Electoral Votes cast in a single comment must be the same. If a plural number of DEFERENTIAL votes are ever tallied, they will be tallied as a group (either FOR, AGAINST, or abstentation), as provided for in other rules. Regardless of the number of Electoral Votes a Lord is entitled to cast, there is only one, singular, result of his vote.
There are some boundaries about the number of Electoral Votes a Lord may hold. These boundaries shall be listed here and any action that would bring the number of Electoral Votes held by a Lord to violate those boundaries may be done, but the change shall be capped so the resulting Gamestate doesn’t violate those boundaries:
A Lord must not hold less than 1 Electoral Vote.
The difference between the Electoral Votes held by the Member with the highest number of Electoral Votes and by the Member with the lowest number of Electoral Votes within the same Party shall not be greater than 3

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