Proposal: Party Discipline [Trivial]
Replace the first paragraph of Rule 19 -- Electoral Votes with the following:
Someone recently said we need to worry if someone defers to a person with less EV. That can only happen if you're Party Speaker, defering to the Prime Minister, incidentally. Anyhow, this fixes the problem.
Reached Quorum; passed 7-0 (EV 9-0). Enacted 11/9 by Simon. +2 to Patio11 and Simon.
Each Lord holds a number of Electoral Votes, reflecting how much power that Lord wields in the name of his people. This is tracked by the GNDT. When a Lord votes on a Proposal, they may cast any number of their Electoral Votes, with a minimum of one - this is signified by including the relevant number of vote icons in a single comment. (If a later comment from the same Lord uses a different number of icons, that takes precedence.) All Electoral Votes cast in a single comment must be the same. If a plural number of DEFERENTIAL votes are ever tallied, they will be tallied as a group (either FOR, AGAINST, or abstentation), as provided for in other rules. Regardless of the number of Electoral Votes a Lord is entitled to cast, there is only one, singular, result of his vote.
Someone recently said we need to worry if someone defers to a person with less EV. That can only happen if you're Party Speaker, defering to the Prime Minister, incidentally. Anyhow, this fixes the problem.

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