Proposal: Party Politics 3: The Quickening
Members of a Party may make proposals with a title, Party Proposal:[Title Here]. Only rules 1,4,5,6 and 15 apply to Party proposals, except that the Party should be treated as the only players relevant to the Party Proposal and no Confidence penaltys or rewards are valid. This Rule automatically repeals itself at the end of this dynasty.
Party Proposals are direct orders from the Party to one, some, or the whole Party to do certain things, either one time or when certain conditions are fulfilled. Party Proposals can force Lords in their specific party to:
- -give or take Confidence from their own Party members
- -make certain voting decisions in non-Party Proposals
- -make a certain non-Party Proposal
- -commit any action made legal by the non-Party Rules
The High Lord may retroactively veto any Party Proposal and reverse the effects of it.
Each Party has a section in this rule with their specific Party Rules:
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[New Democratic]
If the majority of Lords voting FOR affix a "4" to their vote, then the fourth bullet "commit any action made legal by non-Party Rules" is struck if the rule passes.
The idea of orders comes from Damanor's dynasty which had a version of this.

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