Proposal: Give Me The Brain
[ Expanding on Quazie's mall activities, and also making brain-eating a prerequisite cost of performing the actitivies, instead of an erratic daily cost. ]
If "Shop till you drop... dead" passed, reword "Mall activities" to the following and rename it to "Horde Activities". Otherwise create a new rule called "Horde Activities", with the following text:-
Add a new Location of Size 50: "The Hospital", and add "TheMall(*)" and "TheHospital(*)" to the Locations dropdown.
Remove the paragraph beginning "Zombies must eat" from Rule 12 (Zombies).
[ Should ultimately make Attacking Humans into an activity, but I'll wait for that rule to simmer down a bit first. ]
Reached Quorum. Enacted by Knightking Dec 16 2004.
If "Shop till you drop... dead" passed, reword "Mall activities" to the following and rename it to "Horde Activities". Otherwise create a new rule called "Horde Activities", with the following text:-
Hordes can be driven to perform specific, complex activities - in order for the Horde to perform an activity, each Zombie in the Horde must eat one of that Horde's Brains (decreasing the GNDT Brain count appropriately). If a Horde has more Zombies than Brains, it cannot perform any activities. Hordes cannot perform a particular activity more than once per day.
* Dig. The Horde sifts through the rubble of the city and unearths one Zombie to join it, or - if in the Graveyard - a die roll's worth of Zombies.
* Forage. The Horde must be in the Hospital - it gains two dice rolls' worth of Brains.
* Barricade. Requires at least ten Zombies. The Horde must be in the Hospital or the Mall, which becomes Barricaded. (All Hordes in that Location have an asterisk added to their Location.) Hordes cannot enter or leave Barricaded Locations.
* Smash. Requires at least ten Zombies. The Horde may choose any Barricaded Location and revert it to an unbarricaded state. (All Hordes in the Location have the asterisk removed from their Location.)
(Where dice are referenced, a GNDT comment along the lines of "(Action Name): DICE" should be made to obtain dice results. All dice are six-sided.)
Add a new Location of Size 50: "The Hospital", and add "TheMall(*)" and "TheHospital(*)" to the Locations dropdown.
Remove the paragraph beginning "Zombies must eat" from Rule 12 (Zombies).
[ Should ultimately make Attacking Humans into an activity, but I'll wait for that rule to simmer down a bit first. ]

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