Proposal: How Are You Spelling 'Graaaagh'? [Trivial]
[ Zombies with names? And carefully-counted limbs? How are we going to sack a human city without generic, thousand-strong zombie mobs? ]
Reword the Rule "Zombies" to:-
14-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Knightking.
Reword the Rule "Zombies" to:-
Each Horde contains a number of Zombies, tracked in the GNDT. New Hordes consist of a single Zombie, when they join the game.
Zombies must eat. At any time, any Horde may force another Horde which has not already Eaten that day to Eat. The Eating Horde loses one Brain for each of its Zombies; if some of its Zombies are left unfed, they collapse and are lost.

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