Proposal: Not pissing in one's own drinking water
Add the following rule, entitled Puny Humans, to the ruleset:
Create a GNDT player entry called 'Population', and add 1,000 to its Brains field.
S-K. Failed by Knightking, 14th of December. -3 to Josh.
At any one time there is a finite number of humans available to eat. This is tracked in the GNDT under a seperate player entry, marked 'Population', in the 'Brains' field. A Horde may feed from the Population no more than once per day. The feeding Horde must make a comment to the GNDT, entitled 'Feeding:', followed by a number of DICE commands equal to the number of Zombies in that Horde. The total of these dice rolls is subtracted from the Population's Brains, has 10% (rounded down) subtracted from it due to spoilage, then added to the feeding Horde's Brains.
No action may bring the Population's Brains below 4, and any action that would have that result is illegal. When the Population's Brains reaches exactly 4, the player entry is renamed 'Protagonists'. The Population and Protagonists entries are not considered Hordes for any rule.
Create a GNDT player entry called 'Population', and add 1,000 to its Brains field.

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