Proposal: Ninja Zombies! Pirate Zombies! ZOMBIE JESUS!
Add the following to Rule 12: Zombies:
Amend the description of the activity Barricade in Rule 15 to the following:
If Proposal: Yours is the Earth passes, add the following to the rule that it creates:
Could not reach quorum. Failed by Cayvie, 24th of Dec. -3 to Josh
A horde may, at any time, expend 15 Brains multiplied by the number of Zombies it has to become a Psychic Zombie horde. This is tracked in the GNDT by putting an asterisk (*) next to that horde's number of Zombies.
Whenever a Pyschic Horde would loose Zombies, it may instead loose the same amount of brains. It may at any time sacrifice one of its zombies to gain 15 Brains. Any time a Psychic Horde would gain new Zombies, it must expend 15 Brains on top of any other costs. If at any time a Psychic Horde is reduced to 0 Zombies, it ceases to be Psychic.
Non-psychic zombies fear and despise psychic zombies, and the feeling is mutual. If a location contains both psychic and non-psychic Hordes, all Hordes in that location reduce att Attck or Grarh dice results, and all Activity rewards, by 1, to a minimum of zero.
A non-psychic Horde cannot enter or leave a location that has Psychic Horde's barricade in place, and vice versa.
For ease of definition, Pyschic and Non-Psychic may be refered to as a Horde's caste.
Amend the description of the activity Barricade in Rule 15 to the following:
* Barricade. Requires at least ten Zombies. The location that the Horde is in becomes Barricaded. All Hordes of the opposite caste in that Location have an asterisk added to their Location.
If Proposal: Yours is the Earth passes, add the following to the rule that it creates:
Pyschic Hordes may not be dominated.

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