Proposal: What in the world is Quadge?
Create a rule called Quadge,
Couldn't reach quorum. Failed by Cayvie
All rules have a measure of resistance to change, called Quadge, which is a whole number (and may be negative). Unless otherwise specified, a rule has a Quadge of zero.I wanted a nonsense word to limit confusion, and "Demostasis" sounded too dry. Quadge came from "Quorum Adjustment". Core rules might be good candidates for positive Quadge, whereas controversial rules might be more readily approved if given a negative Quadge.
When a Proposer attempts to repeal or amend a rule, or create a rule which overrides another rule, or change gamestate values of a variable defined by another rule, the highest Quadge of any of those affected rules modifies the Enactment requirements for that Proposal.
During the Voting and Enactment process on that Proposal only, Quorum is temporarily modified by adding the determined Quadge value, and if the Proposal times out, the Quadge is added to the number of votes required for its Enactment and subtracted from the number of votes required for its Failure.
Quadge can never make Enactment impossible or automatic, so its adjustment is constrained to certain bounds:
- Quorum cannot be increased to more than the number of Hordes, and cannot be lower than 2.
- Timed Out Enactment requirements must stay within these ranges:
(total number of votes) >= (required number FOR to Enact) >= 2
(total number of votes -1) >= (required number AGAINST to Fail) >= 1

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