Proposal: Zombies
Create a new Rule, “Zombies”:
Each Horde gains two zombies when this proposal passes.
10-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Knightking. +15 to Knightking.
Each Horde may have a number of Zombies; each of them has a Name and a number of limbs. Zombies shall be stored in a GNDT field of 'Zombies', as a list with each Zombie formatted as "Name (Limbs)".
Zombies begin with four limbs, and may have up to 8. If at any time a zombie has no limbs it has ceased to exist and must be removed from the list.
Zombies must eat. At any time, any Horde may force another Horde which has not already Eaten that day to Eat. The Eating Horde loses one Brain for each Zombie they have; if they have insufficient Brains all of that Horde’s Zombies lose a limb instead.
Each Horde gains two zombies when this proposal passes.

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