Proposal: Freeze! (Tag)
Rewrite the rules of Tag, as laid out in the rule Tag, as follows:
In the same rule, remove the sentence: "When the tens digit of the year is either a 5 or a 0, then it is a designated tag day."
2-5. Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 01/20/2005 GMT 17:08
1. A Muffin may tag any other Muffin in the same Position, if the Muffin that is doing the tagging is "It." Upon tagging the other Muffin in this manner, the Muffin that is "It" may either change its own field in the Tag column to "NotIt" and the field in the Tag column of the Muffin being tagged to "It," or may freeze the Muffin being tagged. Freezing is indicated by adding an asterisk * to the end of the Muffin's Flavor. A Muffin can only be tagged in this manner once per day.
2. A Muffin that has been frozen may not change its Position, have its Position changed, or be tagged.
3. An unfrozen "NotIt" Muffin may unfreeze a frozen Muffin in the same Position, as long as the Muffin that is "It" is not also present in their Position. This is indicated by removing the asterisk * from the frozen Muffin's Flavor.
4. No tagbacks; you may not tag a Muffin that just tagged you.
5. If, for whatever reason, no Muffin is "It," then the GRAND POOBAH becomes "It," and is un-Frozen if necessary. If a Muffin that is idle was "It" prior to idling, then it is reverted to "NotIt" upon returning.
In the same rule, remove the sentence: "When the tens digit of the year is either a 5 or a 0, then it is a designated tag day."

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