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Monday, January 31, 2005

Proposal: Lets do the wave

Add a new rule called waves

On every even aeon is a nice wave day, and as such Gremmies love to atempt surfing on these aeons. If on any even aeon a Gremmie is without a board they lose 10 props as they can't surf. This deduction can happen once per even aeon at any time during that even aeon by any Gremmie.

Add the following to rule 11

On wave days a Gremmie gains 10 props for a successful surf as they successfully rode an bodacious wave, but loses 5 props for an unsuccessfull surf as their wipe out will be extra knarley.

Add a rule entitled Storms

On any Aeon that has a 0 in its tens digit, that is Aeons divisible by 10, a Storm comes, and it is a storm day. On storm days waves are HUGE and as such all wave day bonuses and penalties are doubled, as the surfing will be most excellent and the wipe outs will be knarleyer

also add to rule 99

When dealing with Aeons the ones digit may not have an effect on the game play

Thats just there to clarify, cuz new players dont know that, and its not actually in the rules yet, so time to add it, this can and will be removed if the ones digit ever gets to be perfect

Cross 3-7. Timed out. Failed by Smith, 8th of February at 22:45.