Proposal: Not So Fast
[ We talked about doing this a while ago - requiring all pending Calls for Judgment to time out, before an Ascension can go through. It's probably worth allowing CfJs to be raised during Hiatus, as well, if anyone's pulled a weird scam out of a hat; clearer to raise a separate CfJ regarding its legality, than to start discussing it in the middle of Ascension-claim comments. ]
In Rule 10 (Victory and Ascension), replace "during which no other game actions (including other victory claims) may be taken" with:-
Also, after "If more than half of Hordes consider the win legal", add:-
Reached Quorum. Enacted by Cayvie.
In Rule 10 (Victory and Ascension), replace "during which no other game actions (including other victory claims) may be taken" with:-
during which no further game actions (other than Calls for Judgement, and all relevant actions specified in Rule 7) may be taken
Also, after "If more than half of Hordes consider the win legal", add:-
and if no CfJs remain pending

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