Proposal: Secret Memberships
In Rule 14 – Members Only, change:
Give each extant organization a Membership Charter which reads “No one may join this Organization by asking that to the Illuminatus Rex”.
If this passess, I'll come up with methods allowing people other than the Controller to change the Charter
Failed 2-9. Cannot be enacted without CoV. Failed by Angry Grasshopper, 1st of July Day 1 of Month 6, at 16:24.
When an Illuminatus creates a new Organisation, both that Illuminatus and the Illuminatus Rex must create an Official List for that Organisation, with the creating Illuminatus as the sole member.
When an Illuminatus takes Control of an Organisation from another Illuminatus, then the Illuminatus Rex must send a copy of the Official List of that Organisation to the new Controller of that Organisation, so that e can have one.
An Illuminatus may apply to get on the Official List of an Organisation of which e is not a member, by privately contacting the Controller of that Organisation with a message containing the phrase "Am I In?" and the name of the particular Organisation. If the Controller replies to the request within 48 hours with the phrase "You're In" and the name of the particular Organisation, then the Controller may and must add the applicant's name to the Official List of that Organisation, and must notify the Illuminatus Rex that e is doing so.
When an Illuminatus creates a new Organization, both that Illuminatus and the Illuminatus Rex must create an Official List for that Organisation, with the creating Illuminatus as the sole member, and a Membership Charter, which reads “No one may join this Organization by asking that to the Illuminatus Rex”.
At any time, the version of an Official List in the possession of the Illuminatus Rex is the valid one for games purposes.
When an Illuminatus takes Control of an Organization from another Illuminatus, then the Illuminatus Rex must send a copy of the Official List and the Membership Charter of that Organization to the new Controller.
An Illuminatus who controls an Organization may change its Membership Charter at any time, by sending a new one to the Illuminatus Rex. The Membership Charter of an Organization must list the criteria to be met by an Illuminatus applying to join that Organization.
An Illuminatus may apply to join an Organization of which e is not a member, by privately contacting the Controller of that Organization or the Illuminatus Rex with a message containing the phrase "Am I In [Org]?", where [Org] is the name of a particular Organization.
The Controller may reply to the request within 48 hours with the phrase "You're In [Org]" ]?", where [Org] is the name of the particular Organization. Upon that, the Controller may and must add the applicant's name to the Official List of that Organization, and must notify the Illuminatus Rex that e is doing so.
The Illuminatus Rex may reply to the request within 48 hours with the phrase "You're In [Org]" ]?", where [Org] is the name of the particular Organization if, and only if, the applicant meets all criteria listed in the Membership Charter of that Organization. Upon that, the Controller may and must add the applicant's name to the Official List of that Organization, and is not obliged to notify the Controller that e is doing so.
Give each extant organization a Membership Charter which reads “No one may join this Organization by asking that to the Illuminatus Rex”.
If this passess, I'll come up with methods allowing people other than the Controller to change the Charter

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