Proposal: Titles
What's the fun of being in a secret society if you don't have funny titles?
Add a rule number 17 titled "Titles"
Any illuminatus may choose to have a title. These titles are tracked in the GNDT in a field called "title". Multiple illuminati may have a particular title at the same time and any illuminatus may set or change eir title at will by posting the GNDT, subject to the exceptions below. All references to specific illuminati in blog posts, comments or GNDT posts must refer to those illuminati by eir correct titles at the time of the post.
Some titles are exceptional. All exceptional titles and their effects are listed below. An Illuminatus may only take an exceptional title if the conditions outlined in the title description of the title are met.
Illuminatus Rex- The powers and responsibilities of the grand illuminatus are described elsewhere in the rules. Rodney is the Grand Illuminatus unless proven otherwise.
OK, I know I need more interesting titles, but I figured once the mechanic was in place we could work the rest out.

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