Proposal: Comfy Chair
- add to the GNDT four columns: the first shall be entitled "role", the second shall be entitled "gold", the third shall be entitled "honor", and the fourth shall be entitled "knowledge".
- add a rule entitled "The Republic" in which:
In The Republic, the perfectly just city correlates with the perfectly just soul. Each of its citizens must strive to moderate the three aspects of eir soul: the appetitive, the spirited, and the rational. In this way, the city must also moderate its tripartite citizenry.
Gold shall represent the Disciple's appetitive nature.
Honor shall represent the Disciple's spirited nature.
Knowledge shall represent the Disciple's rational nature.
Whenever a new Disciple joins the game eir values for each of these fields defaults to 50. Each Disciple is assigned a role. The possible roles are: producer, auxiliary, or guardian. Disciples are assigned roles as follows: upon enactment of this proposal and whenever a new Disciple joins the game, the Philosopher-King shall make a GNDT-based dice roll in which the probabilities a given Disciple becomes a Producer is 1 : 2, an Auxiliary is 1 : 3, and a Guardian is 1 : 6. No Disciple may change eir role unless otherwise specified in the ruleset.
Producers may once per day increase their "gold" by five.
Auxiliaries may once per day increase their "honor" by five.
Guardians may once per day increase their "knowledge" by five.
- upon enactment of this proposal:
- 1. the Philosopher-King is automatically assigned the role of Guardian
- 2. set each Disciple's values in gold, honor, and knowledge to 50 each
- 3. set the Philosopher-King's values in gold, honor, and knowledge to 100 each
- 4. change all instances of the title "Adversary" to "The Gadfly". If the current Adversary accompanies eir vote with the following comment "I like adversary just fine, thank you very much." then this change does not go through.

Reached quorum 7-2. Enacted by Cayvie, 28th of June at 5:22.
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