Proposal: A Finite Soul
I humbly submit that in Rule 11 (The Republic), the final bulleted list be replaced with:-
If "The Freckled Hand" failed, replace "often" with "once per day", in the above changes.
Also remove the paragraph beginning "Disciples are assigned roles as follows:" and replace it with "If a Disciple has no Role, the Philosopher-King may assign them one."
Enacted at 9-5 by Cayvie at 15:07 on June 29.
If a Disciple has a role, they may convert one aspect of their soul into another - decreasing one by five to increase the other by five. (If the former cannot be decreased, the other may not be increased.) This act may be performed no more frequently than "often".
- Producers may convert Knowledge into Gold.
- Auxiliaries may convert Gold into Honor.
- Guardians may convert Honor into Knowledge.
If "The Freckled Hand" failed, replace "often" with "once per day", in the above changes.
Also remove the paragraph beginning "Disciples are assigned roles as follows:" and replace it with "If a Disciple has no Role, the Philosopher-King may assign them one."

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