Proposal: I'm not good at Athenian ad libbing
In Rule 11, capitalize all instances of the word "aspect." Then change the text
Didn't begin with "I humbly submit" Failed by Cayvie, 1st of July at 11:27.
Disciples must keep the three Aspects of eir souls in balance. If at any time one of a Disciple's Aspects has a value greater than or equal to the sum of eir other two Aspects, e must reduce eir greatest Aspect by one third of its value, rounded down.
If the Aspect being reduced is also the Aspect this Disciple's role allows em to increase daily, e may increase eir other two Aspects each by half the value (rounded down) the greatest Aspect was reduced.
If at any time one of a Disciple's Aspects has a value greater than or equal to the sum of eir other two Aspects, e is Imbalanced, and his greatest Aspect is Excessive.
Whenever any Aspect's value is being changed (except as described in this paragraph and the following paragraph), it must first be checked whether that Disciple is Imbalanced. If e is found to be Imbalanced, eir greatest Aspect must be reduced by one third its value (rounded up) BEFORE the change is made to the Aspect. Note that the amount being subtracted is rounded up, NOT the result. If a Disciple's Aspects were 1,0,0, then rounding down would subtract 0, resulting in an infinite loop. Also, the parenthetical above prevents infinite loops. Perhaps a bit pedantic, but it's all about loophole quashing.
If an Imbalanced Disciple's Excessive Aspect is one e may convert to another, it will be automatically converted in multiples of 5 until either 1) it is no longer Excessive or 2) the conversion can no longer be made. If the conversion can't be made and that Aspect is still Excessive, it is reduced by 1/3 as described above.

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