Proposal: The Philosopher-King gets a fly-swatter
replace the current text of rule 10 with:
Passed 9-2. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Cayvie, 1st of July at 11:09.
There is a Disciple who is called The Gadfly. The Gadfly uses a distinct Veto icon, with which e is allowed to veto in the same manner as the Philosopher-King, which is called The Gadfly's Seal (the icon may be added here by The Gadfly). Each seal icon may only be changed by its wielder.
The Philosopher-King and The Gadfly may overturn a veto imposed by the other. They do so by posting eir veto icon as a direct response comment to the other's veto. This may only be done if all Proposals subsequent to the one vetoed are still pending. The vetoed Proposal then reverts to pending status. Once a veto has been overturned on a Proposal, that Proposal may not be vetoed again.
Disciple Smith is the current The Gadfly.

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