Proposal: Plato said it so it must be true
I humbly submit that the following should be enshrined as a rule, entitled State of the Republic:
Upon enactment of this proposal, the GNDT is to be adapted so that the State of the Republic is shown and automatically updated whenever the GNDT is changed by a Disciple. If Disciple Kevan intimates that this is impossible, or that he is unwilling to do so, then the first paragraph of the proposal is adapted to read:
I know early victory conditions are often frowned upon, but… 200 is a lot.
Enacted at 9-3 by Cayvie at 8:48 on June 30.
The State of the Republic is automatically tracked in the GNDT. The perfectly just Republic reflects in its state the states of the souls of its inhabitants; thus, it, too, is judged on its appetitive, spirited and rational aspects, and its values in all of these aspects is the mean average of the value of the aspects of all its citizens, rounded to the nearest whole number.
Any Disciple whose primary aspect (that is, the aspect in which they have the highest value) matches that of the Republic may often raise that aspect by 2. If a Disciple’s least significant aspect matches the most significant aspect of the Republic, then they may occasionally raise any of their aspects by 5. If at any time one of the Republic’s aspects has a value greater than or equal to the sum of its other two Aspects, all Disciples must reduce their value (or have their value reduced) in that Aspect by 10.
If ever the Republic’s aspects all exceed 200, then either the Disciple with the smallest absolute difference between their most and least significant aspects, or the Disciple with the greatest combined total in all three aspects, may declare victory – the first to do so is considered the victor. The other may elect to become the Gadfly.
Upon enactment of this proposal, the GNDT is to be adapted so that the State of the Republic is shown and automatically updated whenever the GNDT is changed by a Disciple. If Disciple Kevan intimates that this is impossible, or that he is unwilling to do so, then the first paragraph of the proposal is adapted to read:
The State of the Republic is tracked in the GNDT. The perfectly just Republic reflects in its state the states of the souls of its inhabitants; thus, it, too, is judged on its appetitive, spirited and rational aspects, and its values in all of these aspects is the mean average of the value of the aspects of all its citizens. It may be re-calculated by any Disciple at any time, but must be recalculated immediately before any gamestate action is performed that relies upon its values.
I know early victory conditions are often frowned upon, but… 200 is a lot.

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