Proposal: A Pair of Pathetic Peripatetics
I humbly submit that walking is good for the constitution as well as the soul, and that discussing matters political and philosophical while walking is an excellent pastime.
Add a column to the GNDT entitled WalkVotes, and set everyone's Walkvotes values to 0.
Add a rule to the ruleset entitled Walkabout, with the following text:
Enacted at 9-2 by Cayvie at 8:43 on June 30.
Add a column to the GNDT entitled WalkVotes, and set everyone's Walkvotes values to 0.
Add a rule to the ruleset entitled Walkabout, with the following text:
Occasionally, a Disciple may make a non-Proposal official post, called a Walkabout Invitation, to the blog that includes, in the title, the phrase "going On Walkabout". For 8 hours after the posting of this Walkabout Invitation, any Disciple may post a comment in response to it. 8 hours after the posting of this Invitation, if at least two Disciples other than the poster of the Invitation have posted a comment to it, then, for the next 24 hours, the poster of the Walkabout Invitation, along with all Disciples who posted a comment to it, are considered to be On Walkabout.
While a Disciple is On Walkabout, this shall be marked in the sidebar by putting eir name in italics. A Disciple On Walkabout is not allowed to make official posts, vote, respond to a Walkabout Invitation, or have eir GNDT entry altered in any way, and quorum is calculated as if Disciples On Walkabout were idle. Indeed, the game effects of being On Walkabout are almost identical to those of being idle. Votes cast by a Disciple prior to going On Walkabout do not count until that Disciple returns.
When the 24 hours for a particular Walkabout are up, the Disciples who went on it return to normal play. In addition, their WalkVotes values are each increased by 1.
At any time, a Disciple with at least 1 WalkVote may subtract 1 from eir WalkVotes to cast an extra vote on a proposal. The comment in which this extra vote is cast must include the phrase "Spending a WalkVote".

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