Tentative Powers: Every Villain is Lemons
The controller of Every Villain is Lemons is known as the Sourpuss. Once every 48 hours, the Sourpuss must make a post, known as a Complaint, with a title in the format "Complaining about X", where X is the subject of complaint. The post must be in the format of a Shakespearian sonnet (that is, rhyme scheme of abab-cdcd-efef-gg in iambic pentameter). If 48 hours have passed since the Sourpuss last posted a Complaint, gained control of Every Villain is Lemons, or was punished for not posting a Complaint, any Illuminatus may lower the Sourpuss's influence by 10. The Sourpuss loses 20 influence should e transfer control of Every Villain is Lemons to another Illuminatus.
Hilarious. Active since 03:04 on the 17th June

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