Proposal: Another kind of Karma
I humbly submit that the Gadfly rule should continue into the next Dynasty with another Gadfly. Change rule 10 to read:-
Failed 4-4 with one abstention, timed out. At least half of votes are against, failed by Excalabur on the 31st of July at 18:52.
There is a Disciple who is called The Gadfly. The Gadfly may perform any action that is available to the Philosopher-King, unless that action is expressly forbidden to The Gadfly.
The Gadfly uses a distinct Veto icon, which is called The Gadfly's Seal (). Each Seal icon may only be changed by its wielder.
A Disciple Voting DEFERENTIAL may indicate that e has faith in the decision of the Gadfly by using the Gadfly's Seal with eir vote icon. That vote will then be counted the same as the Gadfly's vote, if there is one, otherwise it will be considered an explicit vote of abstention.
The Philosopher-King and The Gadfly may overturn a veto imposed by the other. This may only be done if all Proposals subsequent to the one vetoed are still pending. The vetoed Proposal then reverts to pending status. Once a veto has been overturned on a Proposal, that Proposal may not be vetoed again.
The Dynasty is still considered to belong to the Philosopher-King alone, but if The Gadfly is able to achieve victory in that Dynasty, then its title is changed in the Dynastic records to bear the name of The Gadfly instead.
On a Declaration of Victory post, every Disciple may nominate any Disciple, except for the poster of the Declaration, to be The Gadfly in the next dynasty with eir vote. The Disciple with the most nominations becomes The Gadfly once the next Dynasty's Ascension address is made. (In the case of a tie for most nominations, Philosopher-King of the new dynasty must select among the tied candidates.) This rule shall then be updated to indicate the change.
Disciple Smith is The Gadfly in this Dynasty.
This rule may not be repealed at the next Ascension, but after that Ascension address is posted this sentence may be removed.

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