Proposal: Fate of the morally degenerate. (For real this time.)
I humbly submit that bad things happen to those who run out of Gold, Honor, or Knowledge, and therfore the following text should be added to rule 11:
9-1, Reached Quorum, Enacted by Chronos, 07/02/2005 14:40.
If a Producer has 0 or less Gold eir role is set to Thief, if a Auxiliary has 0 or less honor eir role is set to Traitor, and if a Guardian has 0 or less Knowledge eir role is set to Idiot.
Often, Thieves may steal Gold from another Disiple by naming a victim and rolling 2DICE6 in the GNDT. The victim then loses Gold equal to the dice roll and the Thief gains Gold and loses Honor equal to the dice roll. In the event that the Thief rolls a 2 the Thief is caught, loses all eir Gold and Honor and the victim's gold is not reduced.
Traitors may only vote the opposite of the Philosopher-King's vote or the same as the Gadfly's vote on proposals that are not made by em. A Trator may once every 24 hours increase eir Honor by 5. A Trator may not increase eir honor if the Gadfly has taken a game action in the last 24 hours.
Idiots may only vote deferential. Any Disiple may transfer 5 Knowledge to an Idiot to change eir vote on a proposal to For or Against. A proposal made by an Idiot does not automaticly fail if that Idiot votes against it.
If a Thief has 50 or more Gold eir role is set to Producer, if a Trator has 50 or more honor eir role is set to Auxiliary, and if a Idiot has 50 or more Knowledge eir role is set to Guardian.

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