Proposal: Flexible Property
I humbly submit that the current Rule 20 - Property system is too restrictive, and shall be rewritten to:
If Proposal: Summer Reading passed, add this to the text above:
To each Disciple who owns “House”, give em “Houses(1)”, instead.
To each Disciple who owns “Slaves”, give em “Slaves(5)”, instead.
To each Disciple who owns “Library”, give em “Library(1)”, instead.
Vetoed by Aaron. Failed by Angry Grasshopper, 07/07/2005 20:37.
Disciples may purchase land, buildings, slaves, cheese, and a few other favorite things with their Gold. Whenever a new piece of property is proposed to be added to the list below, the proposer must use the format [Name of Property]: {Price in gold per unit} – (Any special effects or limitations it might carry).
The Property owned by a Disciple shall be tracked by the GNDT in the format of a comma separated list, with each entry in the format [Name of Property](X), where X is the quantity of that Property owned.
The following is a list of possible things they might purchase:
Houses: 10 – Only producers may purchase houses as auxiliaries and guardians live in state sanctioned barracks and dorms, respectively. A Disciple who owns houses may ignore up to X edicts issued by the Philosopher-King, where X is the number of Houses e owns.
Slaves: 5 – Often, a Disciple who owns Slaves may add X to their Gold, where X is the number of Slaves e owns. Whenever a Disciple makes such an addition to their Gold as the result of owning Slaves, that Disciple's Honor may be decrease once by the number of Slave-owning Disciples. Any Disciple not owning Slaves may enforce this decreasing.
If Proposal: Summer Reading passed, add this to the text above:
Library: 20 - Only Disciples owning Houses may purchase a Library. A Disciple who owns a Library may often, instead of converting one aspect of their soul into another, gain 5X Knowledge. Each Disciple may have only 1 Library.
To each Disciple who owns “House”, give em “Houses(1)”, instead.
To each Disciple who owns “Slaves”, give em “Slaves(5)”, instead.
To each Disciple who owns “Library”, give em “Library(1)”, instead.

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