Proposal: You Actually Smell Good!
I humbly submit that something needs to be done about Walkvotes. Please note that "walkers unite" won't do anything, as it rewards voters for "YES" votes, which don't exist. However, I'm sure that the next time someone wants to create a kickback proposal they'll be more careful. So, I think that if we want to fix the problem, we have to do it now.
Amend the sentence in rule 17 that reads
to read
Failed 2-7, timed out. Failed by smith, 11th of July at 15:34.
Amend the sentence in rule 17 that reads
At any time, a Disciple with at least 1 WalkVote may subtract 1 from eir WalkVotes to cast an extra vote on a proposal.
to read
At any time, a Disciple with at least 1 WalkVote and at least 7 Honor may subtract 1 from eir WalkVotes and 6 from eir Honor to cast an extra vote on a proposal.

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