Proposal: Because balance should never be easy
I humbly submit that Rule 16 should be repealed, the ruleset be re-numbered to account for the gap, and the following should become a rule entitled Society.
Add the following to Rule 15:
Failed 2-9, timed out. Failed by smith, 11th of July at 15:07.
There are five locations in the city: the Academy, the Symposium, the Temple, the Palace and the Town Square.
The Academy is the home of the Rational; only Disciples with 56 Knowledge or greater may enter it. Any Disciple in the Academy may change their Role to Guardian.
The Symposium is the home of the Appetitive; only Disciples with 56 Gold or greater may enter it. Any Disciple in the Symposium may change their Role to Producer.
The Temple is the home of the Spirit; only Disciples with 56 Honour or greater may enter it. Any Disciple in the Temple may set their Role to Auxiliary.
The Palace is the home of balance; only Disciples for whom the value of all their Aspects is within 5 of each other may enter it. Any Disciple in the Palace may change their Role to anything they please, provided they meet any requirements listed elsewhere in the Ruleset.
The Town Square is the home of the common man; only Disciples who may not enter any other location may enter it.
Whenever a Disciple creates a new Proposal, it must contain the name of the location where the Disciple was when e posted it; this information should be placed after the proposal title in square brackets. Proposals may only be voted upon in the location in which they were posted. Once cast votes remain valid regardless of how the Disciples moves, but if a Disciple ever becomes ineligible to enter a location, all eir votes cast on proposals from that location become invalid. If they have proposals pending in that location, the proposal remains valid, but their automatic FOR vote is not counted. Self-kills remain valid in any situation.
When resolving proposals, the resolving Admin may choose to base quorum on the number of Disciples eligible to vote at that location at the time of enactment.
Add the following to Rule 15:
Disciples must be in the Academy to start or participate in a Debate, and must remain there for its entire duration. Anyone allowed to enter the Academy may be considered a member.

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