Proposal: The Republic revamped
I humbly submit that Rule 11 - The Republic is too confuse and must be rewritten to:
6-3 with 3 Deferentials. Timed out, Failed by Angry Grasshopper, 07/07/2005 20:37.
In The Republic, the perfectly just city correlates with the perfectly just soul. Each of its citizens must strive to moderate the three aspects of eir soul: the appetitive, the spirited, and the rational. In this way, the city must also moderate its tripartite citizenry.
* Gold shall represent the Disciple's Appetitive Nature.
* Honor shall represent the Disciple's Spirited Nature.
* Knowledge shall represent the Disciple's Rational Nature.
To represent the tripartite citizenry, each Disciple shall be assigned a role. The possible roles are: Producer, Auxiliary, or Guardian, which one has a Significant Aspect:
* Producers, whose Significant Aspect is the Appetitive (Gold)
* Auxiliaries, whose Significant Aspect is the Spirited (Honor)
* Guardians, whose Significant Aspect is the Rational (Knowledge)
Whenever a new Disciple joins the game eir values for each Aspect representation defaults to 50.
If a Disciple has no Role, the Philosopher-King may assign them one.
If a Disciple has a role, they may convert one aspect of their soul into another - decreasing one by five to increase the other by five. (If the former cannot be decreased, the other may not be increased.) This act may be performed no more frequently than "often".
* Producers may convert Knowledge into Gold.
* Auxiliaries may convert Gold into Honor.
* Guardians may convert Honor into Knowledge.
Disciples must keep the three Aspects of eir souls in balance.
If at any time one of a Disciple's Aspects has a value greater than or equal to the sum of eir other two Aspects, e must reduce eir greatest Aspect by one third of its value, rounded down. If the Aspect being reduced is this Disciple's Significant Aspect, e may increase eir other two Aspects each by half the value (rounded down) the greatest Aspect was reduced.
Often, a Disciple may transfer up to 5 of eir Significant Aspect to another Disciple whose Role is the same as eirs.
11.1 Degenerate Roles
If a Disciple’s Significant Aspect reachs 0, eir Role degenerates, as follows: If a Producer has 0 or less Gold eir role is set to Thief, if a Auxiliary has 0 or less honor eir role is set to Traitor, and if a Guardian has 0 or less Knowledge eir role is set to Idiot.
Often, Thieves may steal Gold from another Disiple by naming a victim and rolling 2DICE6 in the GNDT. The victim then loses Gold equal to the dice roll and the Thief gains Gold and loses Honor equal to the dice roll. In the event that the Thief rolls a 2 the Thief is caught, loses all eir Gold and Honor and the victim's gold is not reduced.
Traitors may only vote the opposite of the Philosopher-King's vote or the same as the Gadfly's vote on proposals that are not made by em. A Traitor may once every 24 hours increase eir Honor by 5. A Traitor may not increase eir honor if the Gadfly has taken a game action in the last 24 hours.
Idiots may only vote deferential. Any Disciple may transfer 5 Knowledge to an Idiot to change eir vote on a proposal to For or Against. A proposal made by an Idiot does not automaticly fail if that Idiot votes against it.
If a Thief has 50 or more Gold eir role is set to Producer, if a Traitor has 50 or more honor eir role is set to Auxiliary, and if a Idiot has 50 or more Knowledge eir role is set to Guardian.

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