Proposal: Are today's games too violent?
Add to the list of games in rule 10:
Passed 11-0, reached quorum. Enacted by Excalabur, the 10th of August at 16:15.
Scrabbliator (2-12)
"Roman Characters battle to the death!"
Starting with the final Player to respond to the Starting Post and proceeding in reverse order to the first, each Player adds a comment with a selection of two Letters that haven't yet been selected in this instance of the Game. One of these Letters must be designated as eir Attack Letter and the other as eir Defense Letter.
The Letters have a Power associated with them corresponding to the Scrabble value of that letter (A-1, B-3, C-3, D-2, E-1, F-4, G-2, H-4, I-1, J-8, K-5, L-1, M-3, N-1, O-1, P-3, Q-10, R-1, S-1, T-1, U-1, V-4, W-w, X-8, Y-4, Z-10).
After the setup is done, with every official post which isn't authored by a Scrabbliator Player, a round of the Game is resolved:
1. Count the occurances of each Attack and Defense Letter in the title of the official post, after stripping out the stock required text, such as "Proposal".
2. Every Scrabbliator Player takes 1 Wound for each occurance of an Attack Letter multiplied by its Power, except for the Player who selected that Letter.
3. Every Scrabbliator Player then reduces the number of Wounds e took, by the number of occurances of eir Defense Letter, multiplied by its Power.
4. Players who have taken a net positive amount of Wounds in the round, Die and quit the game, without a penalty for Bad Sportmanship.
Rounds continue until there is one or fewer players of Scrabbliator left, at which point the game Ends. If there is one player left, e is the Winner and gets an additional bonus of 1 Kudo for each player who died during that instance of Scrabbliator.

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