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Saturday, August 06, 2005

Proposal: What this party needs...

is beer

Add 2 new GNDT fields: “Drink” and “% BAC”.

Add a new GNDT line: “Bar”

Set the attributes of “Bar” as follows: set Game to null, set Kudos to 0, set Drink to “6: Sam Adams Summer Ale (bottle), 10:Martini (martini glass)”, set % BAC to 0

Add a new Rule 14-Beverages

There is a bar at the party.

The bevarages possessed by any player or the bar are tracked in the GNDT in a field named Drink. Entries in the Drink field are of the form of a list separated by commas. Entries are in the following form “#: Name (form)” where “#” is the number of bevarages of a particular kind that are in the possession of the player or bar “Name” is the type of bevarage and “form” is the nature of the vessel containing the bevarage. The possible forms are: bottle, highball, martini glass, shot glass, coconut. Players can not possess more than 2 drinks at a time.

If e is not playing a game, any player may at any time take any drink that is at the bar by decreasing the number in that drink’s entry in the Drink field of the bar by one and either:

(i) adding an entry of the form “1:Name (form)” to eir Drink field where “Name” and “form” are the same as those of the entry the number of which was decreased in the drink field of the bar, or

(ii) if there is already an entry of the form “#:Name (form)” in eir drink field where “Name” and “form” are the same as those of the entry the number of which was decreased in the drink field of the bar, increasing the number before that entry in eir own Drink field by 1

Any entry that begins with the number 0 may be deleted at any time.

The % BAC field tracks a player’s blood alcohol content. It is a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Any player may consume a beverage in eir possession at any time by reducing the number in the entry for that drink in eir drink field by 1 and adding 0.3 to their % BAC. A player may often subtract 0.1 from their % BAC. Players with % BAC levels higher than certain values suffer penalties:

% BAC greater than 0.1- Can not go on a beer run

% BAC greater than 0.3- Can not play games.

% BAC greater than 0.4- Can not vote except deferential.

% BAC greater than 0.5- Can not take any game action except subtracting from eir % BAC

Any player who is not playing a game as defined by rule 10 may go on a “beer run”. A player who wishes to go on a beer run must make a post to the front page of blognomic with the words “going on a beer run” in the title. A beer run lasts 12 hours. A player on a beer run may not make proposals, vote, or declare victory. At the end of a beer run, the player my add to the stock of the bar one of the following: 3 beverages of the form “coconut”, 6 beverages of the form “bottle”, 12 beverages of the form “highball”, 15 beverages of the form “martini glass” or 25 beverages of the form “shot glass”. All bevarages added to the bar after a beer run must have the same name, but the player who went on the beer run may choose that name. The names of players on beer run is tracked in the sidebar. Any player who adds to the stock of the bar when there are no beverages in the drinks field of the bar may add 5 to their Kudos

If at any time there is are no beverages in the bar’s drinks field, any player may force the player with the lowest Kudos who is able to go on a beer run, to go on a beer run, so long as no more than 2 other players are currently on a beer run, by making a post to the front page of blognomic with the words “[player] the bar is dry”, where [player] is the name of the player with the lowest Kudos. If players are tied for the lowest Kudos, the posting player may choose the name of any of the players with the lowest Kudos. Any player who is forced on beer run may add 7 to their Kudos when they return.

If a majority of the votes in favor of the proposal contain the word "nice", then the rule is enacted without the last paragraph.

This is the most complicated proposal I have ever made and I am sure there is something in here for everyone to hate, so if you vote against this, please tell me what would need to be changed in order for you to vote for it.

Tick Passed 4-3, with three abstentions. Enacted by Excalabur, 10th Aug. at 16:03.