Proposal: Shootout
Add the following to the list of games:
I'm thinking of making a rule in which the other players in a game can kick a player out if e is being a jerk and not taking eir turn, or doing something else so that the game cannot progress.
Passed 9-1 by Cayvie on August 5, 2005 at 20:02 GMT.
Shootout (5-20)
1. The turn order for Shootout is determined by the timestamp order of the responses to the Starting Post, starting with the first responder. Once the last responder has taken eir turn, the first responder takes eir second turn, and so forth. Dead Players are skipped in the turn order.
2. When the Game of Shootout commences, each Player must respond to eir response to the Starting Post with an integer value from 1 to 20. This value is called that Player's Accuracy. No further actions in the game of Shootout may be taken until all Players have chosen their Accuracies. Accuracies may not be changed once chosen.
3. As soon as all Players have chosen their Accuracies, the first Player may take eir Turn. The Player whose turn it is is called the Shooter. A Player may only take one Turn at a time, and must wait for all other living Players to take their Turns before e can take another. A Turn consists of making a comment in the GNDT in the following format: "Shooting XXXX: DICE20" where XXXX is the name of another Player in the same Game of Shootout. If the DICE20 result is less than or equal to the Shooter's Accuracy, then the target is hit and becomes Dead, and the Shooter must make a comment to the Starting Post of the Game in the format "I Shot XXXX and killed em". If, however, the DICE20 result is greater than the Shooter's Accuracy, then the Shooter must make a comment to the Starting Post of the Game in the format "I Shot at XXXX and missed. Phooey!" XXXX is still the name of the Shooter's Target. After this comment is made, the next Player in the Turn order may take eir turn.
4. When a Player becomes Dead, e may quit the game of Shootout at any time, without the normal penalty for bad Sportsmanship.
5. The game ends when only one Player is not Dead. That Player is the Winner.
I'm thinking of making a rule in which the other players in a game can kick a player out if e is being a jerk and not taking eir turn, or doing something else so that the game cannot progress.

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