Proposal: Magicality
Add this game to the games list.
Magic: The Gathering (2)
Both players start with 20 life points at the beginning of the game, and thus, when the game starts, they set their value in the Life Points column to 20. Both players roll DICE20. Whoever's roll is lower, subtracts their roll value from the opposing player's roll, and subtracts the difference from their life points, and this process is repeated until one player loses all of their life points, marking them the loser. The winning player gains 5 kudos, and the loser loses 3 kudos. At the end of the game, both players set their life points to 0, to avoid confusion.
Add to the GNDT a column entitled "Life Points" and set all players default to 0.
Self-Kill. Failed by Excalabur, 4/7/05 @ 07:36
Magic: The Gathering (2)
Both players start with 20 life points at the beginning of the game, and thus, when the game starts, they set their value in the Life Points column to 20. Both players roll DICE20. Whoever's roll is lower, subtracts their roll value from the opposing player's roll, and subtracts the difference from their life points, and this process is repeated until one player loses all of their life points, marking them the loser. The winning player gains 5 kudos, and the loser loses 3 kudos. At the end of the game, both players set their life points to 0, to avoid confusion.
Add to the GNDT a column entitled "Life Points" and set all players default to 0.

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