Proposal: Snidely Whiplash
Add to the ruleset a rule entitled "Games" with the following text:
Add a GNDT column entitled Games.
If Proposal: Snap! *Boom* has not passed, add a GNDT column entitled Kudos, and set each player's Kudos to 0.
Passed 9-0. Enacted by Excalabur, 01:33 on the 4th of August.
A Player may play up to one Game at a time. The Game a Player is currently playing is shown in the GNDT. While playing that Game, e must abide by the rules of that Game.
If a Player is not currently playing a Game, e may make a post to the blog (called a Starting Post) in the format "Starting a Game of XXXX" where XXXX is the name of a Game in the List of Games. For 24 hours after the Starting Post has been posted, other Players (provided they are not currently playing a Game and have not responded to any other pending Starting Posts in the following format) may respond to the Starting Post with a comment stating "I'd like to play XXXX too".
After 24 hours have passed since the posting of the Starting Post, if at least the Minimum Number of Players for the Game in question have responded to it, then the first X responders (where X is the Maximum Number of Players for the Game in Question) must have their Game GNDT listing set to the Game of the Starting Post, and are now considered to be Playing it.
If, however, after 24 hours, the Minimum Number of Players have not responded to the Starting Post, then it is assumed that nobody really wants to play that game, and the poster of the Starting Post loses 2 Kudos.
A player may stop playing a Game at any time; if, however, the Game has not Ended, that player is considered a poor sport and loses 3 Kudos. When a Game Ends (as described in the rules of that Game) all Winners of that Game gain 5 Kudos.
Add games as they are invented by proposal in the following format:
Game Title (Minimum Number of Players - Maximum Number of Players)
Add a GNDT column entitled Games.
If Proposal: Snap! *Boom* has not passed, add a GNDT column entitled Kudos, and set each player's Kudos to 0.

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