Proposal: SNAP! *boom*
In as arrogant and un-humble a manner as you please, create a new rule, entitled Snap:
Add a GNDT field called Kudos. Set each players Kudos to 0.
Failed 1-8. Failed by Excalabur at 23:06 on the 3rd of August.
If at any time three players find themselves on an IRC, IM or other live communication channel, any of them may challenge either of the others to a game of Snap. These two are the Competitors; the third party agreeable to both Competitors becomes the Adjudicator.
In private message channels, each Competitor must type one of the words featured in the text of the most recent proposal on the BlogNomic front page. Once both competitors have done so, the Adjudicator must type the following, as one line, into a common channel::
Whereand are the names of the Competitors, and and are the words they choose.
If the words are the same then either the first Competitor to type the word “SNAP” on the common channel wins the game. The Adjudicator’s decision in this matter is final; they must post to the BlogNomic blog with the results of the game. The winner gains 1 point of Kudos.
Each Player may play one game of Snap per day. They may adjudicate as many as they want.
Add a GNDT field called Kudos. Set each players Kudos to 0.

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