Proposal: Some games
Add the following games to the list, if it exists. Otherwise, this proposal shall fail automatically:
Luck-based old-school boardgame (2-12)
This game is set up in such a manner that each player has very little control over how they do in the game (consider such games as Life and Candyland . Each player in the game, once the game has commenced, rolls DICE1000. After each player has rolled DICE, the game ends. The player with the highest dice roll Wins the game, and therefore gains five Kudos and the player with the lowest dice roll loses five kudos. In the event of a tie, all players concerned are subject to the same effects.
Slots (1-1)
A player may play this game for as long as e likes, once e begins, ending the game at any time after e has played at least one round. Each round consists of the player making a comment in the GNDT with a whole number and FRUIT. If the FRUIT comes up BAR, e gains twice the number e posted in kudos. If it comes up CHERRY, e gains the number e posted in kudos. Otherwise, e loses the number e posted in kudos. If e does not have sufficient kudos, the player immediately goes idle, and may not be unidled for 72 hours. ( E has been taken away by the loan shark's goons.... ) Note that this game has no winner, so the player does not gain 5 Kudos automatically.
End list.
I'm trying to figure out how to add skill-based games.. or even strategic boardgames.
Would people be willing to involve boardgame sites in this madness?
Self-Kill, failed by Excalabur at 01:40 on the 4th of August.
Luck-based old-school boardgame (2-12)
This game is set up in such a manner that each player has very little control over how they do in the game (consider such games as Life and Candyland . Each player in the game, once the game has commenced, rolls DICE1000. After each player has rolled DICE, the game ends. The player with the highest dice roll Wins the game, and therefore gains five Kudos and the player with the lowest dice roll loses five kudos. In the event of a tie, all players concerned are subject to the same effects.
Slots (1-1)
A player may play this game for as long as e likes, once e begins, ending the game at any time after e has played at least one round. Each round consists of the player making a comment in the GNDT with a whole number and FRUIT. If the FRUIT comes up BAR, e gains twice the number e posted in kudos. If it comes up CHERRY, e gains the number e posted in kudos. Otherwise, e loses the number e posted in kudos. If e does not have sufficient kudos, the player immediately goes idle, and may not be unidled for 72 hours. ( E has been taken away by the loan shark's goons.... ) Note that this game has no winner, so the player does not gain 5 Kudos automatically.
End list.
I'm trying to figure out how to add skill-based games.. or even strategic boardgames.
Would people be willing to involve boardgame sites in this madness?

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