Proposal: Nomic Intra-Nomic
Add the following game to the list of games.
Nomic Intra-Nomic (3-12)
1. These are the rules of Nomic Intra-Nomic.
2. Players may propose a change to these rules by posting eir proposal to the blog with the title "Nomic Intra-Nomic Proposal: A" where A is the title of the proposal.
3. Players may vote on a proposal in the normal fashion. The only valid votes are "Yea" and "Nay", all other votes count as an abstention. Players may change eir vote simply by voting again. Only a player's most recent vote is counted.
4. Quorum for the purposes of this game is two thirds of the players rounded down.
5. If a proposal has a quorum and a plurality of yea votes that proposal passes and these rules are changed accordingly.
6. Only the rules of Nomic Intra-Nomic can be changed by a Nomic Intra-Nomic proposal, other Blognomic rules cannot.
7. A Nomic Intra-Nomic proposal automatically fails if it does not achieve quorum and plurality of yeas after one week of voting.
(This is my first stab at an intra-nomic so please pick apart. I don't really expect this to pass as-is but I would love to hear your comments. :D)
Self-killed by GazeboDude. Failed by Brendan on August 5, 2005 at 13:19 GMT.
Nomic Intra-Nomic (3-12)
1. These are the rules of Nomic Intra-Nomic.
2. Players may propose a change to these rules by posting eir proposal to the blog with the title "Nomic Intra-Nomic Proposal: A" where A is the title of the proposal.
3. Players may vote on a proposal in the normal fashion. The only valid votes are "Yea" and "Nay", all other votes count as an abstention. Players may change eir vote simply by voting again. Only a player's most recent vote is counted.
4. Quorum for the purposes of this game is two thirds of the players rounded down.
5. If a proposal has a quorum and a plurality of yea votes that proposal passes and these rules are changed accordingly.
6. Only the rules of Nomic Intra-Nomic can be changed by a Nomic Intra-Nomic proposal, other Blognomic rules cannot.
7. A Nomic Intra-Nomic proposal automatically fails if it does not achieve quorum and plurality of yeas after one week of voting.
(This is my first stab at an intra-nomic so please pick apart. I don't really expect this to pass as-is but I would love to hear your comments. :D)

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