Proposal: Rules are Rules
I like the Nomic-Intra-Nomic idea, but first we need a bit of a firewall between Game rules and Nomic rules. Create a new rule entitled "Rules are Rules" which reads:
Also, create a new rule entitled "It's Only a Game" which reads:
Passed 13-0 by Brendan on August 5, 2005 at 14:10 GMT.
A "Game Rule" is defined as a rule of a Game, as set out in rule 10.
A "Nomic Rule" is any rule which is not a Game Rule.
A Nomic Rule or any subset of a Nomic Rule may be asserted by a Nomic Rule to "Superseed All Game Rules".
Conjugation of the verb word Superseed (for example, to "Superseeds") does not affect the meaning of the phrase.
No Game Rule may contradict a Nomic Rule (or subset thereof) which Superseeds All Game Rules. Any Proposal or any action defined or enabled by a Game Rule which attempts to create, delete, or modify a Game Rule in such a way that will cause it to contradict a Nomic Rule (or subset thereof) which Superseeds All Game Rules is illegal.
Rules 1 to 9, and Rule 99, and this Rule all Superseed All Game Rules.
Also, create a new rule entitled "It's Only a Game" which reads:
A Game Rule may not allow Players to declare victory, as set out in rule 9.
This Rule shall Superseed All Game Rules.

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